Lethbridge SEO for Your Business

Lethbridge SEO is your local leader for website optimization and internet marketing solutions.

SEO, as you probably know, is Search Engine Optimization. For every search you enter into Google, you are presented with a page of 10 possible results, called a SERP (Search Engine Results Page.)  Google’s main goal in doing this is to present the searcher with the most relevant websites possible for those search words.

The way Google does this is by looking at many factors, including domain name, relevancy of content on the website, age of the domain, number and quality of back links, etc. Google uses an algorithm, or a complex mathematical formula, to weigh each criteria. This exact algorithm is a closely guarded Google secret, but marketers have been theorizing for years as to what components are in this algorithm. (Pigeon rank is a google joke, if you care to visit that link 🙂 )

Why is all of this important to know? For businesses in Lethbridge, SEO is exactly what will give your website an optimum place on Google’s first page. Did you know that most people (70%) click only on the first URL on the first page? This percentage drops dramatically as you go down the page, and if your business is on the second page then you are not receiving any of the free traffic available to websites occupying first page listings. This is bad news, because business runs on traffic. The more people visiting your website, the more potential clients you have. The more clients, the more profit your business can make for you.

Advertising mediums of the past have given way to the electronic age. More people search on google for goods or services they need than those that look in the yellow pages. You must have an online presence to survive, and much more than that- you must have a strong online presence to thrive. Lethbridge SEO can help you to achieve this.

Lethbridge SEO companies know the local economy and the issues that local businesses face. If you want to be the top-ranking business in your niche, you need the guidance that only a local Lethbridge SEO company can give you.

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